Brand Narrative Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Organization(Required)Please share factual details about your organization’s founding, history, and current work.(Required)In approximately 250 words, share a well-rounded narrative about the organization. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, or sentence structure. As you talk about the work your organization does, what are some words and phrases you DON'T use? (e.g., needy, underprivileged, victims, "our" when referring to people served, etc.)(Required)What are the words and phrases you use instead of the ones listed above? (e.g., people-centered language such as "person experiencing homelessness," survivors, etc.)(Required)Please upload any files that will help us understand how you currently describe what your organization is all about.FileMax. file size: 50 MB.FileMax. file size: 50 MB.FileMax. file size: 50 MB.